

Analysis of hepatitis virus markers in patients with liver function abnormity
摘要 目的探讨营山县病毒性肝炎感染状况,为预防病毒性肝炎提供依据。方法用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISh)法检测780例肝功能异常患者血清中甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5型肝炎病毒标志物,经统计学处理分析5型肝炎病毒标志物在人群申的阳性趋势和在不同性别组、不同年龄组中的阳性分布趋势。结果抗-HAV-IgM、乙型肝炎(下称乙肝)病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)、丙型肝炎病毒抗体(抗-HCV)、丁型肝炎病毒抗体(抗-HDV)、抗-HEV—IgM在780例肝功能异常患者中的阳性率为:19.23%、23.46%、7.31%、1.67%、3.46%;抗-HAV—IgM组阳性率最高为42.94%(P〈0.05),HBsag组阳性率最高为28.97%(P〈0.05),抗-HDV组阳性率最高为4.00%(P〈0.05),抗-HCV、抗-HEV—IgM在不同年龄组的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);抗-HAV—IgM、HBsag、抗-HCV、抗-HDV、抗-HEV—IgM在男女性别中的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论营山县病毒性肝炎以甲、乙肝炎为主,因此抓好甲、乙肝炎预防工作是减少本县病毒性肝炎发病的关键,注意个人饮食卫生和环境卫生有助于预防甲、戊型肝炎传播,接种甲、乙肝疫苗是预防甲、乙型肝炎最有效措施,加强对血液及血液制品的监管和管理好静脉吸毒人群所用的注射器能有效控制乙、丙型肝炎的传播。 Objective To investigate hepatitis virus infection condition in Yingshan,so as to provide evidence for prevention of viral hepatitis.Methods ELISA was applied to examine hepatitis and HFV) markers in 780 patients with analysis of hepatitis viral markers was and positive distribution trend in d Posi 780 and viral ( liver fu applied ifferent tive rate of anti-HAV-IgM,HBsAg,anti-H patients with liver function abnormity including nction abn HAV,HBV,HCV,HDV,HEV ormity. Statistical to learn their sex and age positive trend gyoups.Results CV, anti-HDV ,and anti-HEV-was 19.23%,23.46%,7.31%, 3.46% respectively.ln different age groups,difference of anti-HA IgM in 1.67% V-lgM,HBsAg, anti-HDV positive rate was significant respectively (P 〈0.05).The highest positive rate of anti-HAV-IgM,HBsAg, anti-HDV in different age groups was 42.94%,28.97% and 4.00% respectively.There were no statistical differences of anti-HCV and anti-HEV-IgM in different age groups (P 〉0.05). There were no statistical differences of anti-HAV-IgM,HBsAg, anti-HCV anti-HDV and anti-HEV-IgM in different sex groups (P 〉 0.05) Conclusion Type A and type B hepatitis are main viral hepatitis types in Yingshan .To augment prevention of type A and type B hepatitis is the key to reduce incidence of viral hepatitis in Yingshan. It is an available strategy to stress personal dietary and environmental hygiene for preventing type A and type B hepatitis. Strengthening management of blood and blood products,as well as syringes used by venous drug users can control the spread of type B And type C hepatitis.
作者 唐晓华
出处 《医学信息(医药版)》 2009年第1期20-22,共3页
关键词 病毒性肝炎 血清标志物 肝功能异常 virus hepatitis serum markers liver function abnormality
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