

Analysis of examination results of water quality of daily drinking water in rural areas of Gongjing District of Zigong City
摘要 目的了解自贡市贡井区农村居民生活饮用水卫生状况。方法按《GB5749—2006生活饮用水标准检验法》,对贡井区乡镇集中式供水和农村分散式取水水质进行检测。结果贡井区乡镇集中式供水水质金属指标、无机非金属指标、有机物指标合格率均在96.67%以上。菌落总数合格率为83.33茗,总大肠茸群不符合标准;分散式取水水质金属指标、无机非金属指标、有机物指标合格率均在93.33%以上。菌落总数合格率为74.44%,总大肠菌群不符合标准,微生物指标合格率明显偏低(X2检验P〈0.01)。结论自贡市贡井区乡镇集中式供水水质和分散式取水水质检测结果感官性状和物理指标、金属指标、无机非金属指标、有机物指标合格率较高,微生物指标合格率较低,表明各相关单位应加强农村居民生活饮用水的监督检测,以保障农村居民生活饮用水安全。 Objective To investigate sanitary quality of drinking water in rural areas of Gongjing District of Zigong City, Methods: According to " Standard protocol of daily drinking water analysis GB5749-2006" , the water quality of concentrated water supply and the separated water intake in rural areas of Gongjing District of Zigong City was examined. Results: For concentrated supply water of GongJing District, the qualification rates of metal, inorganic nonmetal and organic compounds indexes were all above 96.67 %. The qualification rate of colony counts was 83.33 %, and the total coliforms do not fit criterion. For separated water intake, the qualification rates of metal, inorganic nonmetal and organic compounds indexes were all above 93.33%, the qualification rate of colony count was 74.44%, and the total coliforms also do not fit criterion, and the qualification rate of the microbiological index was significantly lower (x 2 test, P〈0.01).Conclusion: The examination results of the water quality of concentrated water supply and the separated water intake in rural areas of Gongjing District of Zigong City showed that the qualification rates of sense and physical character, metal, inorganic nonmetal and organic compounds indexes were high, but the qualification rate of the microbiological index was low, so the relevant units should strengthen the examination of residents' daily drinking water to protect the drinking water safety.
出处 《医学信息(医药版)》 2009年第1期34-36,共3页
关键词 农村 生活饮用水 水质 检测 合格率 rural areas daily drinking water water supply examination qualification rate
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