
肺区域阻抗法在慢性阻塞性肺疾病中应用的研究 被引量:3

Clinical Evaluation of Regional Electric Impedance Pneumograph and Scintigraphy in Patiens with COPD
摘要 目的:应用区域阻抗法测定慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的肺血流灌注及肺通气分布的变化,与放射性核素肺显像方法比较,探讨肺区域阻抗方法的临床应用价值。方法:测定对象为18例中重度COPD患者,均为男性,平均年龄63.8岁,应用肺区域阻抗法及放射性核素法,分别测定肺血流灌注及肺通气的分布。结果:本研究发现肺区域阻抗法在测定肺血流灌注分布方面,仅在左下肺区域高于核素法测得的数值(P<0.05),余肺区测定结果相近,无显著差异。在肺通气的测定方面,阻抗法所得数值与核素法测得的数值有一定的不同,在左上、右上区域高于核素法测得的数值,在左中肺区测得的数值低于核素法测得的数值(P<0.05),余肺区测定结果相近,无显著差异。结论:虽然目前区域阻抗方法暂不能取代放射性核素的测定,但作为一种辅助手段,可简便、快速了解肺内的通气、血流等生理病理改变。 Objective:To evaluate the clinical capability of regional electric impedance pneumograph and scintigraphy in measurement of pulmonary perfusion and ventilation in patients with COPD.Methods:Thirty-two patients with different respiratory diseases underwent regional electric impedance pneumograph and scintigraphy,the pulmonary perfusion and ventilation were obtained and recorded.Results:The pulmonary perfusion results got by regional electric impedance pneumograph in the left lower region was lower than the results measured by scintigraphy,there were significant difference(P0.05),and no difference in other pulmonary region.The pulmonary ventilation results got by regional electric impedance pneumograph in the both upper region were higher and in the left middle region were lower than the results measured by scintigraphy,there were significant difference(P0.05),and no difference in other pulmonary region.Conclusion:The result got by regional electric impedance pneumograph could not replace the result got by scintigraphy at present,but this is a quick,simple,and convenient measurement to get parameter of the pulmonary perfusion and ventilation.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2009年第11期3004-3006,共3页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 肺疾病 慢性阻塞性 区域阻抗法 放射性核素显像 pulmonary disease chronic obstructive egional electric impedance pneumograph scintigraphy
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