
上海市52名青少年男同性恋者社会心理和性行为状况调查 被引量:14

Investigations on social psychology and sexual behavior of 52 male homosexual adolescents in Shanghai
摘要 目的了解青少年男同性恋者社会心理和性行为状况,为进一步在青少年人群中开展获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)相关高危行为的干预提供科学依据。方法采用无记名方式,应用自编的调查问卷以及抑郁自填问卷(SDS)和焦虑自填问卷(SAS)对52名青少年男同性恋者进行问卷调查和抑郁、焦虑评定。结果研究对象年龄15~19岁。35人(67.31%)近6个月有过口交行为,其中30人(85.71%)有过无保护口交,25人(71.43%)最近一次口交没有使用口交套。34人(65.38%)近6个月有过肛交行为,其中16人(47.06%)肛交坚持使用安全套,10人(29.41%)最近一次肛交没有使用安全套。AIDS相关知识知晓率较高,知识总答对率82.47%。抑郁和焦虑症状检出率分别为36.54%和26.92%。结论青少年同性恋存在感染AIDS的高危行为和心理问题,对其进行预防AIDS干预时应同时关注其心理健康。 Objective To investigate the social psychology and sexual behavior of male homosexual adolescents in Shanghai,and provide scientific evidence for advanced intervention in acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS)-related risk behaviors for adolescents.Methods Anonymous questionnaires,including self-composed questionnaire,self-rating depression scale(SDS)and self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)were employed for investigations among 52 male homosexual adolescents in Shanghai.Results The investigated adolescents aged between 15 to 19 years.Thirty-five adolescents(67.31%)had oral sex in the past 6 months,among whom 30(85.71%)had unprotected oral sex and 25(71.43%)did not use condom in the last oral sex.Thirty-four adolescents(65.38%)had anal sex in the past 6 months,among whom 16(47.06%)insisted on condom use for anal sex and 10(29.41%)did not use condom in the last anal sex.The awareness rate of AIDS-related knowledge was relatively higher,with the total correct answer rate of 82.47%.The rates of depression and anxiety were 36.54% and 26.92%,respectively.Conclusion AIDS-related risk sexual behaviors and psychological problems exist in homosexual adolescents.Attention should be paid to the psychological health during the health intervention for AIDS.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期581-584,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science
关键词 青少年 同性恋 心理状况 adolescent homosexuality psychological status
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