
托瑞米芬联合消乳散结胶囊治疗中重度乳腺增生疗效观察 被引量:3

Clinical Observation of Toremifene Citrate Combined With Xiaoru Sanjie Capsule for Treating Moderate and Severe Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands
摘要 [目的]观察枸橼酸托瑞米芬(枢瑞)联合消乳散结胶囊治疗中重度乳腺增生症的临床疗效.[方法]选取符合条件的患者385例,应用枢瑞联合消乳散结胶囊治疗.观察治疗后的临床效果与不良反应以及B超等影像学检查腺体的结构变化.[结果]本组总有效率为91.68%,可以明显改善临床症状,并能促进增厚腺体及结节变软或消失;有5.7%患者引起可逆性月经紊乱外,无其他明显不良反应.[结论]枢瑞联合消乳散结胶囊治疗中重度乳腺增生安全有效. [Objective] To observe the clinical efficacy of Shu-Rui(Toremifene Citrate) combined with Xiaoru Sanjie capsule for treating moderate and severe hyperplasia of mammary glands. [Methods]A total of 385 cases from my hospital and Hunan Provincial People's Hospital were selected. All patients were treated with Shu-Rui combined with Xiaoru Sanjie capsule. The clinical symptoms, physical examination and B-ultrasound results were observed as the evaluation index of the efficacy. The clinical effects and adverse reactions after treatment were also observed. Bultrasound was used to examine the structural changes of'the gland. [Results] The total effective rate was 91.68 %. The clinical symptoms were significantly improved, and the thickened glands and nodules became soft or disappeared. Reversible menstrual disorder was observed in 5.7% of the patients. There were nq other obvious adverse reactions. [Conclusion] Shu-Rui combined with Xiaoru Sanjie capsule for treating moderate and severe hyperplasia of mammary glands is safe and effective.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2010年第5期891-892,共2页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 纤维囊性病 乳腺/药物疗法 托瑞米芬/投药和剂量 胶囊 fibrocystic disease of breast/DT toremifene/AD capsules
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