

Thinking Together and Work Together:An Educational Intervention Research Project
摘要 在日本的课堂中,学生受到两种不同力量的影响,一种为竞争,即学生都迫切希望成绩更优异;另一种为基于集体的共识,即同样这些学生必须相互合作以应对日常生活。这两种相互矛盾的力量对学生的行为和讨论产生了影响。通过开展一项名为"通过合作学习"的教育干预研究,对干预的效果采用了定性和定量的分析,用智力测验测量了学生集体完成非言语推理任务的能力,对干预的前-后测结果进行分析,发现干预是有效的。我们发现,小组讨论质量和个体推理能力有所提高,一些在小组活动和小组讨论中有困难(孤僻、不参与活动或被忽视)的学生有了进步,教师对小组讨论的看法以及管理小组讨论的技能也发生了改变。同时,我们也发现了某些障碍使得小组活动无法很好地进入课堂。可能需要提供进一步的干预才能实现"班级"的合作功能。 A classroom 'in Japan' is exposed to two different kinds of forces.One is competition,in which children eager to reach higher position on the same standards.The other is commune-based mutuality,in which the same children are compelled to cooperate with each other in their everyday lives.These conflicting forces influence the way of children's behavior and talk.Since 2005,we have carried out an educational intervention research under the title "Learning through collaboration",as one of projects at the Center for Human Activity Theory,Kansai University,Japan,in order for overcome the influence.The results of the pre-post intervention analysis based on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of children's group work for solving a kind of intelligent test assessing non-verbal reasoning abilities shows in sum that the intervention is effective.We got an improvement of the quality of group talk and also individual reasoning skill,witnessed some cases of inclusion of children who have some difficulties(e.g.withdrawn,sitting out,or neglected)in group work and talk,and also some evidences of changes of teacher's concept on group talk and their skills for managing it.However,we also found some obstacles which might prevent fully inclusion of group work into a usual curriculum.Possible further intervention would be needed for turning the functions of "class" into more collaborative one.
出处 《当代教育与文化》 2010年第1期86-91,共6页 Contemporary Education and Culture
关键词 合作学习 小组讨论 讨论课 活动理论 collaborative learning group talk talk lesson activity theory
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