A classroom 'in Japan' is exposed to two different kinds of forces.One is competition,in which children eager to reach higher position on the same standards.The other is commune-based mutuality,in which the same children are compelled to cooperate with each other in their everyday lives.These conflicting forces influence the way of children's behavior and talk.Since 2005,we have carried out an educational intervention research under the title "Learning through collaboration",as one of projects at the Center for Human Activity Theory,Kansai University,Japan,in order for overcome the influence.The results of the pre-post intervention analysis based on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of children's group work for solving a kind of intelligent test assessing non-verbal reasoning abilities shows in sum that the intervention is effective.We got an improvement of the quality of group talk and also individual reasoning skill,witnessed some cases of inclusion of children who have some difficulties(e.g.withdrawn,sitting out,or neglected)in group work and talk,and also some evidences of changes of teacher's concept on group talk and their skills for managing it.However,we also found some obstacles which might prevent fully inclusion of group work into a usual curriculum.Possible further intervention would be needed for turning the functions of "class" into more collaborative one.
Contemporary Education and Culture
collaborative learning
group talk
talk lesson
activity theory