

A Case Study of Configuration Strategy of Taiwan's Automobiles Company into the Mainland Market
摘要 在全球汽车产业结构重整、大陆汽车产业逐渐成熟以及大陆环保意识逐渐加强等趋势下,台湾汽车电子厂商进入大陆已是必然趋势。该研究之目的在于探讨台湾汽车电子厂商如何透过策略式布局将电子零组件系统产品输出大陆。首先,搜集相关产业次级数据以建立完整市场概况与发展趋势;之后透过个案研讨找出台湾汽车电子厂商布局策略之关键因素;最后,经由专家访谈研拟台湾相关厂商可能实行的策略以作为相关厂商未来进入大陆市场布局之策略参考。 According to the tendency of global cars' rising environmental consciousness of the government, industry restructure, Mainland mature market and the Taiwan' s autotronics firms into Mainland market is the only way to the future. Due to the motivations of beneficial policy and the internal demand in Mainland, the car electronics industry has a fast growth and development. Through the statistical data of Strategy Analytics, the global demand of autotronics is expected to be grown from US $ 122 billion in 2004 to US $ 158 billion in 2008, even to US $ 180 billion in 2012. Besides, based on IC Insights forecast report, over 40% of new vehicles will be equipped with telematics in 2010. How can Taiwan' s autotronics company do in such situations? Through the case study analysis and the way of Configuration Strategy to export Taiwan' s automotive electronics module into Mainland Market is the intention of the study. We hope we can find the solution to the future of Taiwan ' s autotronics company in the dynamic competitive environment. The first step of the study is to collect preliminary data of autotronics industry. The complete industry analysis, market profile and development tendency of the car electronics were based on that. After that, through the case study of Taiwan' s autotronies company, we find out the key factors of Configuration Strategy into Mainland Market. Then we use the method of expert interview to find some solution and available strategy for the competitive environment facing by Taiwan' s car electronics firms to be the reference into Mainland Market in the future.
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2010年第A01期202-207,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 汽车电子 车用电子 大陆市场 专家访谈 automobiles telematics Mainland market expert interview
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