Objective To assess the relationship between incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) anddietary intake of carotene and other antiokidant vitamins (Vit C, Vit E). Methods The incidence ofcardiovascular disease was monitored according to MONICA procedure among 100 000 residents in each of 13populations from different parts of China in 1991-1995. A random cluster sample of 1000 (35-59 years, men andwomen) was drawn from each population for survey of CHD risk factors with a 1/10 sub-samples for 3 consecutivedays 24-hour dietary interviews (dietary data was available for 13 populations). Results The age-standardized(25-74years) incidence of CHD was 1-154/100 000 for men and 0-75/100 000 for women among 13 populations.Only the mean daily intake of carotene (421 -1416 /1000 K cal, 573 -2114 /1000 Kcal for men andwomen) was significantly inversely correlated with the incidence of CHD (r=-0.423 1, P=0.03) by simplecorrelation analysis. The major sources of carotene were deep colored vegetables, which provided 38-91% ofcarotene ne among populations. The resultS of mulhple linear ~ion showed that ~ daily intake Of caIDtene andthe intake ratio of deep colored vegetables to total vegetables were significantly negatively associated with theincidence of CHD (b=-0.038 9, β=-0.355 6, P=0.01, R2=0.80; b=-55.501 4, =-0.273 4,P=0.03, R2=0.88, respectively) after adjustment for gender, mean BMI, serum TC and DBP. Conclusion Higher intake of carotene, which mainly comes from deep colored vegetables in Chinese diet, may decrease therisk of CHD in Chinese population. The effect was independent of population's mean levels of BMI, serum TC andDBP.
Chinese Journal of Cardiology