
可调光荧光灯数字化电子镇流器的研究 被引量:1

Research on Dimmable Fluorescent Ballast Based on Digital Controller
摘要 采用AVR微处理芯片AT90PWM2B研制了一套可调光荧光灯镇流器系统。研制过程中根据荧光灯上的工作电压、电流与灯管功率存在的约束关系来确定镇流器主回路参数,并根据荧光灯灯管调光所必须经历的预热、点火、运行和调光4个阶段设计了基于调频控制的软件流程图和实现步骤。与传统的电子镇流器相比,所提方案实现了全数字化且结构简单、运行可靠、节能效果明显和调光范围大,具有较好的应用价值。 A set of dimmable fluorescent ballast controlled by AT90PWM2B microprocessor is designed.According to the relationship on the working current,working voltage of fluorescent with power of fluorescent,the main electric parameters of ballast are decided.Based on the four necessary stages of fluorescent,a control flow chart and implementation steps of dimmable fluorescent ballast are made which is used in variable frequency control.The new ballast has lots of merits,such as full-digital control,simple structure,reliable operation,energy saving effect and large dimming range,etc..
作者 唐雄民
机构地区 广东工业大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期58-59,共2页 Power Electronics
关键词 镇流器 数字控制 荧光灯 可调光 ballast digital control fluorescent dimmable
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