
GPS中频信号源及精频捕获仿真 被引量:3

GPS Signal Source of Intermediate Frequency and Fine Frequency Acquisition Simulation
摘要 GPS天线接收的真实的信号不理想,为方便算法研究,要使用理想的仿真信号。为了使跟踪环路正常工作,GPS信号需要进行精频捕获。文中使用Simulink搭建GPS中频信号源,该信号源可以直接设置参数产生不同的中频信号。详细分析了两种精频捕获算法:相位关系算法和FFT补零算法,并对精频捕获算法做仿真实现,对比两种算法的仿真结果,分析了算法的优劣。由搭建的Simulink模型可以产生理想的信号,Matlab算法的仿真结果表明,使用相位关系的精频捕获算法适合实际的应用。 The signal received by GPS antenna isn't satisfactory.For the convenience of algorithm design,an ideal signal should be used.Fine frequency acquiring is implemented for the working of the track loop.Use simulink to build a module of GPS intermediate signal generation.The signal source can be directly set parameters to generate kinds of signal.Expatiate two methods,phase relationship algorithm and FFT zero-padded algorithm,to acquire the fine frequency.Using the signal generated by the module,the fine frequency simulation is carried out.Two methods of the fine frequency acquisition is implemented and compared.The strengths and weaknesses of the algorithm is analyzed.The simulink module can generate ideal signal.The simulation results show that phase relationship algorithm is suitable for practical application.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第6期43-46,50,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 西华大学基金项目(Z0720905)
关键词 GPS 信号生成 精频捕获 相位关系 GPS signal generation fine frequency acquisition phase relation
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