在分析平顶山市新城区污水处理厂SBR工艺设计参数和实际运行情况的基础上,通过挖潜改造,使处理能力由4 800m3/d提高到5 500m3/d,出水水质由原二级标准提高至一级B标准,且每吨水处理成本由0.42元降低为0.30元,可为当前采用SBR工艺的污水处理厂的升级改造提供参考。
Based on the analysis of SBR process design parameters for Pingdingshan Sewage Treatment Plant and the basis of the actual operation by tapping the potential transformation,the processing capacity from 4 800m3/d increased to 5 500m3/d,the water quality is improved from level II to B grade of level I,and the water treatment costs per ton decreased from 0.42 yuan to 0.30 yuan,which will provide for reference to the upgrade and transformation using SBR technology for wastewater treatment plant.
Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction