
1981年财政削减对英国高等教育管理产生的冲击 被引量:3

The Impact of the Year 1981 Financial Cut on British Higher Education
摘要 1981年被普遍视为英国高等教育根本性变革的分水岭和转折点,因为它标志着英国高等教育在组织与管理上深刻变革的开端。利用1983年教育与科学部(DES)资助的案例研究报告[1]及20年后的回访性研究成果[2],深入探究1981年英国高等教育财政削减对英国高等教育管理现状的意义和对英国高等教育发展的重大冲击,这一变革对当今英国高等教育管理变革的影响深远。 Since the year 1981,British higher education has undergone fundamental change.The year 1981 is widely recognized as a turning point in which a period of growth and expansion had come to an end and had been replaced by cuts in expenditure.It is also seen as the start of deep changes in the organization and management of higher education.Research has been undertaken to examine the priorities and internal management of individual institutions and how significant was 1981 in shaping UK higher education as it exists today.
作者 徐春霞
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 2010年第3期79-82,共4页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 江苏省教育科学"十一五"规划重点资助课题"英国高等教育治理模式变革的研究"[B-a/2009/01/034]
关键词 英国高等教育 1981年财政削减 高等教育管理 British higher education 1981 financial cut higher education management
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