
超声心动图新技术在心衰患者同步化治疗中的应用 被引量:1

摘要 心力衰竭患者普遍存在不同程度的心室内或心室间的不同步化运动,心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)越来越受到人们的重视。超声心动图尤其是各种新技术在心脏再同步化治疗中具有重大作用。本组详细介绍了组织多普勒、二维应变、三维全容积和速度向量成像等超声新技术在评价心脏同步性、CRT患者筛选、指导起搏器置放、优化起搏程序、评价疗效以及术后随访观察等方面的进展和应用。 Heart failure patient has the varying degree generally in the ventricle or the ventricle does not syn- chronize the movement, the heart synchronizes treatment (CRT) has attratted people' s atlention. Echocardiogram in the treatment have the important function. This article introduced organizes Doppler, the two -dimensional strain, the three dimensional entire volume and the velocity vector image formation in appraisal heart synchronism, the CRT pa- tient screens, the instruction actuator place, optimizes wrestles the procedure, the appraisal curative effect, as well as a follow- up visit and its progress and application.
出处 《现代医院》 2010年第5期3-6,共4页 Modern Hospitals
关键词 超声心动图新技术 心脏机械同步性 心脏再同步化治疗 Echocardiogram, cardiacmechanical synchronism, cardiac resynchronization therapy
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