
教育资源共享网络中教师聚类的提取与应用 被引量:1

Extraction and Application of Teacher-clustering in Sharing Network of Learning Objects
摘要 教育资源共享网络中,教师间因对相同主题教育资源感兴趣而形成教师聚集现象,即教师聚类。文章分析了教师聚类形成几种原因,利用"k-核"分析法及其扩展提取教师聚类,特别讨论了在没有完整信息情况下,基于信息漫游的教师聚类提取策略。最后讨论教师聚类的应用。 In sharing network of learning objects,on the same subject among teachers due to the formation of teachers interested in learning objects aggregation,the teachers clustering. Cluster analysis of the formation of several reasons for teachers to use "k-core" analysis and extraction of teachers cluster expansion,in particular,discussed the situation in the absence of complete information,clustering based on information extraction strategy teachers roaming. Finally,we discussed the application of clustering.
作者 蔡莉 魏云刚
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2010年第6期100-102,共3页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 全国教育科学规划"十一五"教育部重点课题"资源共享体系中的关键技术研究"(课题编号:DCA060097)
关键词 资源共享 教师聚类 “k-核”分析法 Learning Objects Sharing Teachers Clustering "K-core" Analysis
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