

Views on the Contents of Du Fu's Poetry and Tasan's Poetry:the Picture Scrolls of Time and the Concerns of the Poets
摘要 诗圣杜甫亲历了使唐由盛转衰的安史之乱,用如椽巨笔创作出了多首"即事名篇"反映现实的佳作,成就了杜诗"诗史"之号。相距千年,在朝鲜半岛诞生了被称为"杜甫还生"的丁茶山,作为朝鲜18世纪末19世纪初的著名实学派代表诗人,丁茶山目睹了朝鲜王朝末期传统社会体系崩溃前,危机四伏的统治系统、混乱不堪的政治经济,并在诗歌中记录了这一切。身处社会转型期的杜甫与丁茶山用他们的诗歌创作,将一幅幅历史的画卷和一曲曲时代的悲歌生动地展现在世人的面前。但由于所处国度与时代的不同,两位诗人在关注现实、反映现实时又各有侧重,杜诗主要描写了安史之乱给国家和百姓带来的灾难,而丁茶山则更多地展示了李氏朝鲜时期混乱的政治造成的凋敝现实和民不聊生的惨状。面对黑暗现实,杜甫更多的是对安史之乱的反思,表现出对统治者的讽谏;而丁茶山则以实学家的眼光对整个社会体制做出了审视与省察,其汉诗作为丁茶山实学的重要构成,表现出鲜明的改革意识。 Du Fu created many "famous writings on current affairs" which reflected the reality at his age because he went through the "An Lushan Rebellion" which was the turning point of the declining of the Tang Dynasty,which made Du Fu "Poet Saint".About a thousand years later,Chong Ta-san who was called "the Transmigration of Du Fu" was born in Korea Peninsula.As a representative poet of Practical Learning(silhak) at the turning point from 18th to 19th century Chong Ta-san witnessed the crisis-ridden ruling system and the disordered politics and economy before the collapse of the traditional social system of the late period of Korea's Joseon Dynasty,and he recorded all of this.Du Fu and Tasan who lived in the social transformation period,showed people the picture scrolls of history and the tragedies of time on and another.These two poets,however,had different focuses on the observation and reflection of reality.Du Fu's poetry mainly described the disaster that An Lushan's Rebellion brought to the state and people while Chong Ta-san's poetry revealed the withering reality and the dire poverty people lived in resulted from the chaotic politics of Joseon Dynasty.In face of the dark reality,what Du Fu did was usually to reflect the An Lushan's Rebellion and showed satire to the ruling class;instead,Chong Ta-san saw and examined the whole social society through the eye of a thinker of Practical Learning.As an important part of Tasan Practical learning,his poetry reflected a strong sense of reform.
作者 孙玉霞
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2010年第4期48-53,33,共7页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
关键词 杜诗 丁茶山 战乱 乱政 讽谏 改革 The Poetry of Du Fu Chong Ta-san war chaos maladministration satirical advising reform
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  • 1丁若镛.“田论”,与犹堂全书(卷I)[M].首尔:新朝鲜社,1934:224.
  • 2丁若镛.“户典谷簿”,与犹堂全书(卷I)[M].首尔:新朝鲜社,1934:409.
  • 3丁若镛.“龙山吏”,与犹堂全书(卷I)[M].首尔:新朝鲜社,1934:79.
  • 4丁若镛."饥民诗",与犹堂全书(卷I)[M].首尔:新朝鲜社,1934:27.








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