

Locutionary Performatives as Pragmatic Strategies in Unequal Power Relations in Family Discourse
摘要 汉语会话交际中,言语行为标记语在不平等家庭关系中表现出多种语用功能。家庭中强势角色使用的言语行为标记语具有强调、警告和鼓励的语用功能;弱势角色使用的言语行为标记语具有缓解人际冲突的语用功能,其中包括拉近心理距离的功能和降低意见分歧对立程度的功能。 The present paper focuses on the pragmatic functions of locutionary performatives.From the perspective of social pragmatic principles,it is found that locutionary performatives can embody different kinds of pragmatic functions in unequal power relations in family discourse.With the analysis of the collected data,it is revealed that the pragmatic functions of locutionary performatives employed by advantaged roles are emphasis,warning and encouragement,and that those employed by disadvantaged roles are alleviating interpersonal conflicts,mainly to shorten psychological distance and to lessen the degree of disagreement.Such a study might help us rethink about the functions of other discourse markers in interaction and communication.
作者 侯海冰
出处 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2010年第3期33-34,共2页 Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education
关键词 言语行为标记语 社交语用原则 不平等家庭关系 语用功能 locutionary performatives social pragmatic principles unequal power relations in family discourse pragmatic functions
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