使用牛用口蹄疫AsiaⅠ-O型双价灭活苗与猪用口蹄疫O型灭活苗分别接种50d商品猪和怀孕90d种猪,免疫前和免疫后的3w及7w进行抗体水平检测。O型口蹄疫采用正向间接血凝试验、AsiaⅠ型口蹄疫采用液相阻断ELISA检测。同时对接种猪进行免疫应激观察。结果显示:猪使用牛用口蹄疫AsiaⅠ-O型双价灭活苗3W后口蹄疫AsiaⅠ的抗体水平十分低,最高只有5%,口蹄疫O型抗体合格率在35%以上;而注射猪用口蹄疫O型灭活苗的O型抗体水平合格率只有35%。而牛用口蹄疫AsiaⅠ-O型双价灭活苗两次接种后,Asia I和O型抗体水平均达到大于70%的要求。
Foot and mouth disease type Asia I -O bivalent inactivated vaccine or foot and mouth disease type O inactivated vaccine were inoculated to 50d pigs or 90 day pregnant pigs. The antibodies against FMDV were detected prior immunization or in the 3th week and 7th week after immunization. The antibody against type O foot and mouth disease were detected using the method of indirect hemagglutination test and the antibody against type Asia I foot and mouth disease were detected using the method of liquid-phase blocking ELISA. The stress was observed also. The results showed that the antibodies against type Asia I foot and mouth disease was very low and the percent of pass against type O foot and mouth disease was more than 35% after immunization with type Asia I-O bivalent inactivated vaccine. The percent of pass against type O foot and mouth disease was only 35% after immunization with type O inactivated vaccine. But the antibodies against type Asia I and type O foot and mouth disease were all above 70% in cattle after immunization with type Asia I-O bivalent inactivated vaccine.
Guangdong Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science
Foot and mouth disease type Asia I-O bivalent inactivated vaccine used in cattle
foot and mouth disease O-inactivated vaccine used in pigs
immune antibody