
新型深水系泊系统非线性循环动力分析 被引量:16

Cyclic nonlinear analysis of new-type deepwater mooring systems
摘要 深水绷紧式系泊系统以合成纤维材料系缆作为主体系缆,由于系缆复杂的力学特性以及绷紧式系泊方式的特点,在设计、分析和工程应用中会带来新的有待深入认识的问题。以一系泊浮体的动力响应分析为例,考察了循环载荷作用下纤维系缆的动刚度特性,比较了悬链式系泊与绷紧式系泊动力响应的特点。分析表明,绷紧式系泊具有优良的系泊性能,但同时会发生复杂的张力响应。这些认识对于绷紧式系泊系统的研发和工程应用具有重要的参考价值。 The deepwater taut-wire mooring systems use the synthetic fiber ropes as the main part of the mooring lines.It is the complicated mechanical properties of the mooring lines and the characteristics of the mooring systems that bring new problems needed to be acquainted with profoundly in the design,analysis and!engineering application of the taut-wire mooring systems.The dynamic analysis of a mooring floater is conducted to examine the dynamic stiffness of the fiber ropes under cyclic load,and the dynamic response of both the catenary mooring system and the taut-wire mooring system is compared.The analysis indicates that the mooring performance of the taut-wire mooring system is better but the tension response is more complicated.These cognitions will provide significant reference for the research development and engineering application of the taut-wire mooring system.
作者 黄维 刘海笑
出处 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期22-28,36,共8页 The Ocean Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2006AA09Z348) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50639030) "新世纪优秀人才支持计划"资助项目(NCET-06-0241)
关键词 绷紧式系泊系统 悬链式系泊系统 系缆 循环 动刚度 taut-wire mooring system catenary mooring system mooring lines cyclic dynamic stiffness
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