
对我国内燃机节能减排技术路线的战略性思考 被引量:10

Strategic Tthinking Towards the Route of Emission Reduction and Energy-saving Technology for Internal Combustion Engine in China
摘要 面对扑面而来的全球低碳经济发展浪潮,作为发展中大国的中国,既有责任也有义务进一步提升我国的节能减排水平。内燃机作为动力工业的基础,承载着将能源转化为工业产值的使命,其重要的政治、经济和军事地位不可小觑。内燃机工业的节能减排工作不仅关系到我国2020年单位GDP的二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%至45%承诺的实现,更关系到我国的国家发展权。中国一汽无锡油泵油嘴研究所作为我国汽车发动机领域的开拓者和创新者,对提升我国内燃机工业节能减排水平有着义不容辞的责任。多年来,在发动机节能减排技术的开发研究工作中,该所立足国内实际情况,既开发出了满足我国市场需要的经济型排放技术,同时紧跟国际先进技术发展潮流,率先掌握了电控高压共轨燃油喷射系统这一核心技术,为我国内燃机工业作出了积极贡献。本文以该所的生动实践为案例,深入浅出地分析了汽油机、柴油机的技术特点和重点技术发展方向,并在此基础上探讨了我国柴油机欧4及以上排放技术路线。2009年,中国汽车市场年产销量双双突破1300万辆,成为世界第一。中国面临着从汽车制造大国向一个强国转变的重大机遇。只要我们耐住寂寞,奋力拼搏,加快学习借鉴国外先进经验,并结合我国国情,就一定能够走出一条科学发展之路,并屹立于世界强手之林。 Facing up with the global wave of low-carbon economy, as a great one of the developing countries, China has both the responsibility and obligation to further enhance the level of energy-saving and emission reduction, As one of the main constituents of modern power equipment, internal combustion engine transforms energy into the industrial output. Its important political, economic and military status should not be overlooked. The energy-saving and emission reduction work for internal combustion engine industry is not only related to China' s commitment to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 40% to 45% from :2005 to 2020, but also is related to the country' s right of national development. As a pioneer and innovator in the research field of automotive engines in China, Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Institute of FAW has a bounden duty in raising the level of energy-saving & emission reduction of China' s internal combustion engine industry. Over the years, the research and development work of WFIERI, which are based on the actual situation in China, both met the market demand with economy-emission technologies, and kept up with development trends of international advanced technology. It was the first one to grasp electronically controlled common rail technology, which is a core technology in relevant field. And it has made a positive contribution for China internal combustion engine industry. In this paper, it came up with a lively practice of the Institute as a case, and gave a clear analysis in easy-to-read language of the gasoline engine, diesel engine technical characteristics and the key technological development trends. And on this basis, it explored the technical route for China' s diesel engine emission standards for Euro 4 and above. In 2009, China' s automobile production and sales both hit historically high level with over 13 million vehicles,becoming the largest in the word. China faces a major opportunity to become a competitive country instead of a big one concerning automobile. As long as we endure the loneliness, work hard, and learn from advanced foreign experiences, proceed from China' s actual conditions, we will be able to get on a road of scientific development, and stand firm among the competitors in the world.
出处 《现代车用动力》 2010年第2期1-12,31,共13页 Modern Vehicle Power
关键词 内燃机 节能减排 技术路线 柴油机 汽油机 internal-combustion engine energy-saving and emission reduction technical route diesel engine gasoline engine
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