
136例青年人胃癌临床病理分析 被引量:1

Clinical Pathology Analysis of 136 Youth Cases with Gastric Cancer
摘要 目的:探讨青年人胃癌的临床病理特点。方法:选取解放军总医院1998年至2008年间40岁以下青年人胃癌患者136例(其中男性90例,女性46例),按肿瘤部位、大体类型、组织学类型、浸润深度、TNM分期、生长方式及转移情况等进行比较。结果:患者自然病程多在9个月左右,肿瘤好发部位以胃窦部及胃体部居多;WHO分型中印戒细胞癌所占比例高;Lauren分型中,女性更易患弥漫型胃癌。结论:大多青年人胃癌确诊时已属中晚期,且组织分化差、恶性程度高、预后也差。故临床医生应掌握好青年人胃癌的临床病理特点,旨在对青年人胃癌进行早期诊断与早期治疗,以提高其生存率。 Objective:To investigate the clinical pathology characteristics of gastric cancer among youths.Method:One hundred and thirty six youth cases(age≤40,male=90,female=46) with gastric cancer in PLA General Hospital from 1998 to 2008 were observed,comparison and analysis were made according to their tumor site,type on the whole,histology type,infiltration extent,TNM staging,growth pattern and metabasis level.Result:Most cases developed their natural course of disease in 9 months,sinus ventriculi and body of stomach were the most common tumor predilection site,cases with signet-ring cell cancer possesed the most in number in WHO typing and females were liable to suffusion gastric carcinoma/gastric cancer in Lauren typing.Conclusion:Most youth cases with gastric cancer were finally diagnosed when in their mid-advanced stage,showing up bad histodifferentiation and high malignancy level with bad prognosis.Clinicians should rnow the clinical pathology characteristics of gastric cancer among youths in order to raise their survival rate by offering early diagnosis and treatment.
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2010年第5期542-545,共4页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 胃癌 临床病理 预后 诊断 Gastric cancer Clinical pathology Prognosis Diagnosis
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