强制法规GB15083-2006修订版增加了附录F《行李位移乘客防护装置的试验方法》,其目的为防止在车辆碰撞过程中,行李舱内行李向前运动,冲击后排座椅靠背,从而造成对乘员伤害。通过有限元分析方法对某车型后排座椅靠背的相关性能进行预测,并运用有限元分析方法对该车型后排座椅靠背与车身的固定点进行改进,经试验验证,最终该车型满足了GB 15083-2006附录F的要求。
The new 2006 version of mandatory regulation GB15083 has amended Appendix F "Test procedure for luggage impact protection device" for prevent occupant injury from luggage impact in a vehicle impact. In this paper,related performance of certain vehicle is accurately predicted by FE analysis. Further analysis is done to optimize the seat back anchorage. It is approved by test that the optimized seat back anchorage has met the requirement of Appendix F of GB15083-2006.
Shanghai Auto