
海水就地测量探测器探测效率的MonteCarlo研究 被引量:18

Monte Carlo Study on Detection Efficiency of Seawater Measuring in-situ γ Detectors
摘要 为研制用于海洋放射性监测(特别是核电海域)的海水中就地7能谱仪,利用MonteCarlo程序MCNP,采用分层抽样、结果加权叠加的方法,模拟了海水中NaI(T1)、HPGe、CdZnTe、LaBr等探测器在理想状况下对几种有关7射线的能谱,并分析计算出以上各探测器对海水中137CS、60Co、56Mn、40K等放射性核素的探测效率、有效探测距离。结果表明,各探测器对γ放射性核素的有效探测距离约为20~40cm,具体数值与探测器种类和γ射线能量有关。综合探测效率和能量分辨率而言,LaBr探测器具有最好的实际应用价值。该结果为实际的海水中就地γ能谱仪的探测器选择和应用提供了重要参考。 To develop in-situ 7 spectrometer used in seawater for marine radioactivity monitoring (especial- ly in areas around nuclear power plants), with the means of stratified sampling and summing by weights, the general-purpose Monte Carlo code MCNP was utilized to simulate the energy spectra of several rele- vant 7 rays recorded by NaI, HPGe, CZT and LaBr detectors immersed in seawater. The detection effi- ciency and the effective detection distance of these detectors to the radionuclides of 137 Cs, 50 Co, 54 Mn and 40 K dispersed in seawater were calculate& The results show that the effective detection distance of these detectors to 7 radionuclides is about 20~40cm and the specific value is related with the detector type and γ-ray energy. Concerning detection efficiency and energy resolution, the LaBr detector has the best prac- tical application value. The results will provide an important reference to detector selecting and application of practical in-situ γ spectrometer used in seawater.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期451-454,459,共5页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"核电站周围海域海洋生物辐射剂量模型研究"(10705019) 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项经费(2007050228)
关键词 蒙特卡罗模拟 海水 就地γ能谱仪 探测效率 有效探测距离 Monte Carlo simulation, seawater, in-situ γ spectrometer, detection efficiency, effective detection distance
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