Water resources of Weifen drainage basin are serious out of balance day by day,along with the social economic development growing rapidly and aquatic environment keeping deteriorating.The paper aims to introduce a study on the approach to optimal allocation of the limited water resources in drainage basin,develop and utilize water resources in drainage basin which promote the human being sustainable development.Based on the different grades of water quality and water resources,the paper studied the decision-making variable's restrained conditions and applied multi-objection optimization formula in distributing the limited water resources in Weifen drainage basin to mitigate the contradictions and conflicts between water supply and demand,and ensure its harmonious development.The multi-objective optimal allocation of water resources means the greatest benefit to be brought to the water consumers,including industrial and agricultural development,tertiary development,household-living and eco-environment and etc.Studying the goal attaining function of Matlab toolbox and applying different optimum scenarios,the paper analyzed and put forward different optimization scenarios in accordance with development of Weifen drainage basin's society,eco-environment,and the national economy.Finally,the paper has given further discussion on more details on the proper water resources distribution problem.
Ground water
water resources
multi-objective optimal allocation
Weifen drainage basin