
水性聚氨酯热防护整理剂的研制及应用研究 被引量:1

Study on the synthesis and application of aqueous polyurethane thermal protection finishing agent
摘要 在合成聚氨酯的基础上,以二溴新戊二醇与三羟甲基丙烷扩链合成具有阻燃、热防护性能的反应型水性聚氨酯.通过红外光谱、DSC、TG及扫描电镜等表征水性聚氨酯,并通过涂层整理与浸轧整理的性质测试以确定最佳合成工艺.最后确定以聚丙二醇与异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯进行预聚反应,预聚温度80℃,选择80℃为扩连温度,R值选择1.2,DMPA含量5%左右,TMP反应温度为70℃,中和度120%合成水性聚氨酯热防护整理剂.该条件下合成产物阻燃和热防护性能效果最佳. The flame-resistant and thermal protective reactive aqueous polyurethane was synthesized on the basis of synthetic polyurethane,by chain extension of dibromoneopentyl glycol and trimethylol propane.IR,DSC,TG,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used to characterize the aqueous polyurethane.The optimal synthetic process was determined by the property test of coating finishing and impregation finishing and application test of inflaming retarding and Infrared transmittance.Finally the aqueous polyurethane thermal protection finishing agent was synthesized by pre-polymerization with poly propylene glycol and isophorone diisocyanate: the pre-polymerrization temperature 80℃,the temperature of chain extension is 80℃,R 1.2,the content of DMPA about 5%,TMP reaction temperature of TMP 70℃ and neutralization degree 120%.Under these conditions the inflaming retarding and thermal protection property of the synthetic product were optimal.
出处 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第2期159-164,共6页 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
基金 陕西省教育厅专项自然科学基金资助项目(09JK473)
关键词 水性聚氨酯 热防护 阻燃 红外透过率 aqueous polyurethane thermal protection inflaming retarding Infrared transmittance
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