
反应磁控溅射法制备的氟化类金刚石薄膜摩擦特性的研究 被引量:1

Tribological properties of fluorinated diamond-like carbon films prepared by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering
摘要 以高纯石墨做靶、CHF3/Ar为源气体采用磁控溅射法在不同射频功率条件下制备了氟化类金刚石(F-DLC)薄膜.利用原子力显微镜、纳米压痕、拉曼光谱、红外光谱和摩擦磨损测试仪对薄膜的表面形貌、硬度、键态结构以及摩擦学性能作了具体分析.测试结果表明,制备的薄膜整体较均匀致密,表现出了良好的抗磨减摩性能.当射频功率为120W时,薄膜的摩擦因数低至0.41左右.AFM和纳米压痕显示,薄膜摩擦因数受表面粗糙度和硬度影响,但并非成单调对应关系.拉曼和红外透射光谱表明,随着功率的增加,薄膜中的芳香环比例增加,sp3杂化含量减小,结果显示,CF2反振动强度的减弱和C—C链中较少量H原子的键入都可能得到相对较低的薄膜摩擦因数. The fluorinated diamond-like carbon(F-DLC) films were prepared in different input powers by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering with trifluoromethane(CHF3) and argon(Ar) as source gas and pure graphite as a target.Surface morphology,hardness,bonding configuration and tribological properties were investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy,Nanoindenter,Raman spectra,FTIR spectra as well as a ball-on-disk test rig respectively.The result shows that the F-DLC films were distributed compactly and homogeneously and exhibit good friction-reducing and anti-wear behaviors.The minimum of friction coefficient has reached to about 0.41 at 120W.AFM and Nanoindenter indicates that friction coefficient depends closely on roughness and hardness but not a simple connection.Raman and FTIR spectra reveal that with the increase of input powers,the intensity ratio ID/IG of Raman bands of disordered graphite(D-band) and graphite(G-band) of F-DLC films increased which is indicative of increase of the fraction of aromatic ring(corresponding to the decrease of sp3).Both CF2 asymmetric stretch vibration intensity and doped H atoms in C—C chains have direct effect on the friction coefficient of F-DLC films.
出处 《苏州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第2期66-72,共7页 Journal of Soochow University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(10635010)
关键词 摩擦性能 射频输入功率 反应磁控溅射 氟化类金刚石薄膜 tribological properties RF reactive magnetron sputtering RF input powers fluorinated diamond-like carbon films
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