
Al_2O_3掺杂对(Ca_(0.7)Nd_(0.3))(Ti_(0.7)Al_(0.3))O_3微波介电性能的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Al_2O_3 on the Dielectric Properties of (Ca_(0.7)Nd_(0.3))(Ti_(0.7)Al_(0.3))O_3 Ceramics
摘要 制备了具有不同Al2O3含量的(Ca0.7Nd0.3)(Ti0.7Al0.3)O3微波介质陶瓷,并通过XRD、SEM、能谱分析(EDS)及材料介电性能测试结果的分析研究了Al2O3对陶瓷体烧结性能、介电性能和显微结构的影响。结果发现,添加Al2O3后体系主晶相未发生改变,仍为正交钙钛矿结构。Al2O3的添加促进了晶粒的生长,有效地降低了体系的烧结温度,材料的介电常数不随Al2O3的添加发生明显变化,但其品质因数与对应频率的乘积(Q×f)值则随添加量的增大呈先上升后减小的趋势,最高可达25 153 GHz。 (Ca0.7Nd0.3)(Ti0.7Al0.3)O3 microwave dielectric ceramics with different contents of Al2O3 were prepared.The inference of Al2O3 on the sintering characters,dielectric properties and microwave structures of the(Ca0.7Nd0.3)(Ti0.7Al0.3)O3 ceramics was studied by XRD,SEM,EDS and so on.The results showed that the addition of Al2O3 did not change the main crystal phase,and promoted the growth of the crystal grain and reduced the sintering temperature efficiently.With the increase of the content of Al2O3,the εr does not change significantly,but the Q×f values can be up to the maximum of 25 153 GHz.
作者 韩煜娴 丘泰
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期464-466,共3页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国防科工委基金资助项目
关键词 微波介质陶瓷 CaTiO3-NdAlO3 AL2O3 microwave dielectric ceramics CaTiO3-NdAlO3 Al2O3
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