
合成孔径声呐多子阵数据融合算法 被引量:3

Data Amalgamation Algorithm for Multi-receiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar
摘要 与合成孔径雷达成像不同,合成孔径声呐运动速度与声波传播速度可比拟,"停-走-停"(Stop-and-Hop)近似不能满足高分辨合成孔径声呐成像的要求;多子阵技术的应用提高了合成孔径声纳的测绘效率,同时带来了如何综合利用各接收子阵回波数据的问题。基于距离多普勒算法的合成孔径声呐多子阵数据融合算法,继承了等效相位中心(DPC)的思想,简化了成像过程;在此基础上,精确补偿了DPC近似和Stop-and-Hop近似带来的误差,保证了成像精度。仿真试验的成像结果证明该方法是有效的。 Differing from the imaging of Synthetic Aperture Radar,the velocity of Synthetic Aperture Sonar is comparative with that of sound wave.'Stop-and-Hop' hypothesis is not sufficient for high resolution Synthetic Aperture Sonar imaging.The multi-receiver technique was introduced to improve the mapping efficiency,but come with new problem like how to realize the comprehensive utilization of the echo data of every multi-receiver.The data amalgamation for multiple receivers must be taken into account.A new data amalgamation algorithm was designed to kick this problem.It was based on Range-Doppler imaging algorithm,inherited the concept of displaced phase center(DPC) and predigested the imaging process.The data amalgamation algorithm accurately compensated the error form DPC approximation and 'Stop-and-Hop' hypothesis.The simulation results showed the validity of this algorithm.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期510-512,共3页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家"八六三"计划基金资助项目(2007AA091101) 国防实验室基金资助项目
关键词 合成孔径声呐 多子阵 等效相位中心(DPC) 数据融合 synthetic aperture sonar multi-receiver displaced phase center data amalgamation
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