
HP-PRRS临床病理学分析与比较研究 被引量:1

摘要 目的、方法:为探讨猪HP-PRRS致病特点、发病机制和临床病理学表现,应用病理组织学方法对HP-PRRSV病猪进行系统病理观察,同时比较分析HP-PRRS和猪瘟、圆环病毒、伪狂犬、传染性胸膜肺炎及附红细胞体分别混染后,以及经典PRRS与HP-PRRS的病理学表现的差异。结果:HP-PRRS病猪表现高热,皮肤发红,眼睑水肿,肺脏出血、淤血、肉样实变,淋巴结出血,淋巴滤泡单核细胞浸润;与猪瘟或圆环病毒混染,病猪全身组织器官多发性出血。与伪狂犬病毒混染,病猪痉挛,呕吐,肝脏有白色坏死灶。神经胶质细胞内镜检可见嗜酸性包涵体;与传染性胸膜肺炎病原体混染,病猪气管充满泡沫状血色渗出物,肺脏表面有纤维素性物质;与附红细胞体混染,仔猪多发病,可视黏膜苍白,血液稀薄、皮下脂肪黄染;经典PRRS虽然有传染性,但病理变化不明显。结论:HP-PRRSV具有组织泛嗜性,引起多组织出血,导致多器官功能衰竭,故HP-PRRS临床表现明显;HP-PRRS混染其他病原后,临床症状和病理损伤较单纯PRRS严重,且死亡率升高;在临床病理学上,HP-PRRS与经典PRRS可以鉴别诊断。 Objective and Methods:To understand the clinical pathological manifestations,pathopoiesia characteristic and morbidity mechanism of HP-PRRS,we utilized pathological analysis methods on the conduct of clinical and pathological analysis in HP-PRRS,and simultaneously comparative study of the co-infection disease in HP-PRRS and CSF,HP-PRRS and PCV,HP-PRRS and PR,HP-PRRS and PP,HP-PRRS and swine eperythrozoonosis,HP-PRRS and classic PRRS.The infected pigs show cramps,vomiting,liver with white necrotic foci.Microscopy of glial cells can be seen eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the case of HP-PRRS and PR.The HP-PRRS and PP mixed infect pig show the trachea filled with bubble-like redness of the exudates,lung surface of cellulosic substances.most piglets frequently fall ill,the visible mucous membranes is pale,the blood is thin,the subcutaneous fat is yellow dye in HP-PRRS and swine eperythrozoonosis co-infected pig.Although classical PRRS is infectious,the clinical pathological changes in the classical PRRS is not obvious Results: the infected HP-PRRSV of pigs show the high fever,skin redness,eyelid edema,hemorrhage and congestion in the lung,like meat consolidation,lymph nodes are hemorrhage,the mononuclear cells are infiltrated in the lymphoid follicular.The multiple bleeding body in tissues and organs of in HP-PRRS and CSF,HP-PRRS and PCV.Conclusions HP-PRRS show obvious clinical manifestations,cause the bleeding in multi-organization,the multiple organ function are lose.because the HP-PRRSV has the invasive pan-tropism organ.the infected pig in the HP-PRRS associated with other pathogens,the clinical symptoms and pathology injury is even more serious than a simple PRRS,and the mortality rate is increased.in clinical pathology,HP-PRRS and the classic PRRS can be identified diagnosis.
出处 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 高致病性猪蓝耳病 混合感染 比较病理学 HP-PRRS mixed infection comparative pathology
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