目的 探讨生肌红粉膏对创面组织中碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)含量的影响及促进创面愈合的机理.方法 制作实验兔背部皮肤缺损感染模型,采用自体对照,将家兔背部两侧的创面分别给予生肌红粉纱条换药(治疗组)和凡士林纱条换药(对照组).观察创面组织的显微结构,并测定创面 bFGF含量的变化.结果 第7天时,生肌红粉膏组创面中成纤维细胞、炎性细胞、胶原、血管的数量明显多于对照组.bFGF的含量在第3、7天均商于对照组(P〈0.05).结论 生肌红粉青对创面组织中bFGF含量有提高作用,可能就是生肌红粉膏促进创面愈合的机理之一.
Objective To investigate the mechanism of Shengji-hongfen Cream(SJHFC)affecting basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)in wound and hastening wound healing.Methods Rabbit models of cutaneous deficiency and infection were setup.Self-contrast observation was used for comparing the two wound sides of model rabbit,which were administrated with SJHFC(treatment group)and vaseline(control group)respectively.Microstructure of wound surface and changes of bFGF weTe observed and measured.Results The content of fibroblasts,phlogocyte,collagen and blood vessel in the SJHFC group increased markedly,compared with the control group after one week.The content of bFGF was significantly changed than the control group at the 3rd and 7th day(P〈0.05).Conclusion SJHFC Can promote bFGF content of the wound,that maybe the mechanism of its hastening wound healing.
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine