目的 分析密闭式吸痰方法对PEEP患者呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响.方法 将65例PEEP患者按住院时间次序分为OS组和CS组,OS组患者按常规操作方法吸痰,CS组患者行密闭式吸痰,比较两组VAP发生率、VAP发生时间及临床肺部感染评分CPIS.结果 CS组患者VAP发生率显著低于OS组(χ^2=7.628,P=0.006) CS组患者VAP发生时间较OS组延后(t=6.206,P=0.000).CS组患者CPIS评分在机械通气5 d、7 d后CPIs评分显著低于OS组(t=13.065.P=0.000 t=9.135,P=0.000.结论 密闭式吸痰能有效延迟VAP发生时间,降低VAP发生率.
Objective To explore the effect of closed endotracheal suction on ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients receiving PEEP. Methods Sixty-five patients receiving PEEP were divided into group OS and group CS based on the time of admission. The patients in group OS received routine suction and those in group CS received closed endotracheal suction. The incidence of VAP, time to onset of VAP, and CPIS were compared between the two groups. Results The incidence of VAP was significantly lower in group CS than in group OS (χ2 = 7.628, P-0.006) time to onset of VAP was delayed in group CS as compared with group OS (t=6.206, P=0.000) CPIS was markedly lower in group CS than in group OS on days 5 and 7 of mechanical ventilation (t = 13.065, P= 0.000 t = 9.135, P= 0.000). Conclusions Closed endotracheal suction can effectively delay the time to onset of VAP and reduce the incidence of the disorder.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Ventilator-associated pneumonia Mechanical ventilation Closed endotracheal suction