
热应激对兔睾丸和附睾CAT与SOD水平的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Heat Stress on the Level of CAT and SOD in Rabbit Testis and Epididymis
摘要 为了研究不同热应激温度及持续时间对雄性生殖器官中过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxidedismutase,SOD)活力的影响。选用体重和年龄相近的健康雄性新西兰大白兔60只,随机分为高热应激组(39℃~41℃)、低热应激组(32℃~34℃)和常温对照组,每组20只;各组按热应激持续时间又分为4个处理(15d、30d、45d、60d组)。高热应激组和低热应激组每天11:30~14:30分别放入39℃~41℃和32℃~34℃,相对湿度为56%~60%的热应激室3h,连续作用60d。结果发现睾丸中CAT的活性随着温度升高显著降低,活性随时间CAT延长呈显著升高趋势;附睾中CAT的活性随着温度的升高显著降低,但在同一应激温度条件下随着应激时间的延长,同一应激组中其活性呈显著升高趋势;睾丸中SoD的活力随着温度升高显著降低,同一温度下随时间延长SOD活性也显著降低;附睾中SOD的活力随着温度的升高同一温度下随着时间延长显著降低,随着温度的升高睾丸和附睾组织中cAT的活性均呈下降的趋势,随着应激时间的延长,不同温度组均呈上升的趋势;睾丸和附睾中SOD的活力随着温度的升高呈下降趋势,且随着应激时间的延长,不同温度组也呈下降的趋势。 To studied the influence of different temperature and the duration of heat stress on CAT and SOD of male reproductive organs,60 healthy male New Zealand white rabbits in a similar age and body weight were randomly divided into three groups. High-heat stress group (39-41 ℃), low-heat stress group (32- 34 ℃)and normal temperature control group . In each group According to the duration of heat stress,The rabbits in each group were dinided into four treatments (15 d, 30 d, 45 d and 60 d). The rabbits in heat stress groups were placed into 39-41℃ and 32-34℃, relative humidity of 56%-60% of stress room, at 11 :30-14.-30 daily, for 60 days. The result5 showed that: The activity of CAT in testis and epidiymis of heat treaterd bucks decreased significantly with increasing temperature ; and with time extended of the same stress group in testis was decreased significantly but in epidiymis increased significantly. The activity of SOD in testis and epidiymis of heat treaterd buck decreased significantly with increasing temperature;and with time extended of the same stress group was decreased significantly. The results indicate that the effect of heat stress mainly on CAT and SOD in testis and epidiymis of buck closely related to the heat stressed temperature and duration.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期85-89,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 热应激 生殖器官 过氧化氢酶 超氧化物歧化酶 公兔 heat stress reproductive organ CAT SOD male rabbit
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