

Reconstruction of Independent Director's Rights and Responsibilities in China——From the Perspective of the Differences between Independent Director and Inside Director
摘要 我国从2001年确立起独立董事制度后,相关实践和表现并未达到制度构建时所预设的目标。通过对我国法律制度规定进行考察和探讨,认为我国现行独立董事制度创制根本弊端在于未能明确区分独立董事与内部董事在性质、特征、行权等方面的不同。从区隔二者出发,本文对独立董事职权、义务与责任进行了重新构造。认为独立董事得借助证券市场的力量对公司内部控制人形成制约的方式行使监督职权,其信义义务与内部董事相比在标准上应当有所差异,应建立相应保险制度以及法定免责机制,不应过于倚重法律途径追究独立董事的责任。 China has not achieved pre-set targets since adopting a system of independent director in 2001. By checking the legal system, this paper holds the view that the disadvantage of independent director system lies on unclear distinction between independent director's nature, characteristics and rights and that of inside director. Based on this view, the author reconstructs the independent director's rights and responsibilities in the following ways: independent directors should exercise their supervisory rights by constraining inside directors with the help of stock; their obligations should differ from that of inside director; a certain insurance system and statutory exemption mechanism should be set up to avoid over pursuing legal actions against independent director.
作者 梁蕾
出处 《天津市财贸管理干部学院学报》 2010年第2期73-76,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Institute of Financial and Commercial Management
关键词 独立董事 探讨 重构 independent director discussion reconstruction
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