在以往人输卵管抗原研究中,发现有一种与植物凝集素BS-1结合的高分子量糖蛋白,本文旨在探讨其在月经周期不同时相的分泌特性。收集育龄妇女子宫肌瘤术后月经周期不同时相的输卵管,用于制备人输卵管蛋白;采用SDS-PAGE电泳、过碘酸西夫(PAS)染色、转移印迹(West-ern Blot)以及斑点印迹(Bio-dot)等试验分析人输卵管蛋白。结果表明,这种大于300kD输卵管糖蛋白在排卵中期开始出现,排卵中后时相明显增多,排卵后期减少,并在人输卵管冲洗液和提取液中均可检测到。提示这种人输卵管高分子量糖蛋白可能由输卵管内膜上皮细胞合成和分泌,然后进入输卵管液中;并在排卵后分泌明显增多,其合成和分泌可能受性激素调控。
A high molecular glycoprotein binding with lectin BS-1 was found in our previous studies on human oviduct antigens. The objective of this study was to investigate the secretory properties of the glycoprotein at the different phase of menstrual cycle.The different phase oviducts of the fertility women after operation were collected from hospitals for preparation of human oviduct proteins. The SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain, Western blotting, and bio-dot accay were used in the present study for analysing human oviduct proteins.The results obtained from Western blotting and PAS showed that the glycoprotein with high molecular weight( > 300 kD) first appears at middle stage of the ovulation phase, markedly increases at the post-middle stage of the ovulation phase, and decreases at the post ovulation phase of menstrual cycle. With bio-dot assay, the high molecular glycoprotein binding with lectin BS-1 was detected not only in flushing fluid, but also in extract of human oviduct endothelium.It is suggested that the human oviduct glycoprotein with high molecular weight( >300 kD) was synthesized and secreted by oviduct endothelium cells, and then released into oviducal fluid; and markedly increased just after ovulation. It is postulated that its synthesis and secretion were regulated probably by sex hormons. The precise control mechanism of synthesis and secretion, and physiological significance of the oviduct glycoprotein remain to be investigated in the future.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Human oviduct Oviduct glycoprotein Menstrual cycle