
基于Kautz图的服务覆盖网带宽约束路由算法 被引量:1

Routing algorithms with constrained bandwidth in service overlay networks based on Kautz graphs
摘要 为实现服务覆盖网(SON)的服务质量保证路由,提出了一种完全分布式的带宽约束路由算法(DBRRA)。该算法以反映网络实时特性的可用带宽为路由度量,每个节点仅保持部分链路的状态,利用Kautz图的自路由特性实现带宽约束的分布式路由选择。该算法具有计算复杂性低、附加开销小、自适应性强、不产生回路等优点。仿真结果表明,DBRRA的路由成功率接近基于全局状态带宽约束路由算法。 To realize QoS routing in Service Overlay Networks (SON),a fully distributed routing algorithm with constrained bandwidth,called Distributed Band Restricted Routing Algorithm (DBRRA),was presented in SON based on Kautz graphs.The algorithm used available network bandwidth,which reflected the network real-time characteristics,as routing metric.Each node maintained a part of link states in the network and routes with constrained bandwidth based on self-routing characteristics of Kautz graphs.This algorithm is of such advantages as lower computational complexity,lower additional load,strong adaptability and no loop.The simulation results show that the routing success ratio of DBRRA is close to the constrained bandwidth algorithm based on global link states.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1443-1446,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60676014)
关键词 Kautz图 服务覆盖网 带宽约束路由 服务质量 Kautz graph Service Overlay Network (SON) routing with constrained bandwidth QoS
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