

Dynamic Arguments Dependence Analysis Technique for Test-suite Deduction
摘要 针对待测功能函数各参数间存在的控制或数据依赖关系,提出了一种利用符号执行约简测试用例空间的算法.具体内容包括:给出了基于控制流图的程序参数依赖关系定义;在此基础上,根据输入参数变量在程序执行时的信息流,提出了一种参数依赖关系的动态分析算法;将该方法应用于可信软件栈的功能测试中.实验结果表明:该方法在约简测试用例空间上具有较强的实用性,同时不会降低测试原有的检错能力. For the purpose of test-suite deduction, we present an algorithm that combines symbolic execution with dynamic computation and maintenance of dependence relationship between arguments is presented. Firstly, the definitions of dependence relationship between arguments are introduced. Secondly, our algorithms can dynamically analysis the information flow of arguments inside the program is conducted by the algorithm. The proposed theory and method are then applied in TCG Software Stack testing, which proves that they are beneficial to improving testing efficiency and practical.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期616-620,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家'九七三'计划资助项目(2007CB311100) 国家'八六三'计划资助项目(2006AA01Z440)
关键词 软件测试 依赖关系 符号执行 可信软件栈 software testing dependence relationship symbolic execution TCG software stack
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