Four crossing combinations of resistant×susceptible were made with 4 resistant germplasms and susceptible varieties. Performance in F 1 of the four crosses revealed that mature plant resistance and seed mottling resistance were all dominant. Mature plant resistances of Ha 88-2501 and Hefeng 33 were conditioned by a pair of dominant genes, and the segregation ratio in F 2 between the resistant and the susceptible was 3:1. Mature plant resistances of Ha 88-7704 and Ha88-2498 were conditioned by two complementary dominant genes, the segregation ratio in F 2 between the resistant and the susceptible was 9:7. Resistances to seed mottling of Ha88-2501,Ha88-7704, Ha88-2498 and Hefeng33 were conditioned by a pair of dominant genes, the segregation ratio between the resistant and the susceptible was 3:1. Mature plant and seed mottling resistances to SMV strain 1 of Ha88-2501 and Hefeng 33 were also conditioned by a pair of dominant genes while those of Ha88-7704 and Ha88-2498 were conditioned by other different genes.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences