

Comparative Studies of Two Round Compilations of Industrial Category of Guangdong Provincial Records
摘要 文章将首轮和第二轮《广东省志》工业类志书编修的情况进行了比较研究。1.篇目总体设计的比较。篇目结构上,首轮志书使用的是小篇体,二轮使用的是中篇体;资料性方面,首轮优于二轮;整体性方面,二轮胜于首轮。2.修志主体的比较。两轮修志过程中,行政管理部门和工业企业所起的作用不同;二轮工业类志书,行业学会在编修中起的作用比较突出。3.修志进度的比较。两轮工业志编修均出现了程度不等的停滞,而且实际完成时间与规划完成时间都有差距,只是首轮比二轮差距更大。4.志书质量比较。由于两轮工业志资料来源基础不同,首轮部门志的痕迹明显重于二轮。通过比较,对今后的修志工作也有所启示。第一,中篇结构更利于资料收集和志稿编写;第二,行政管理部门、行业协会、企业、高校及科研院所专家多个主体参与修志,多元化的修志格局已经形成,应充分调动各个修志主体的积极性;第三,提高志书质量可以从广泛搜集资料、加强培训人员、严格审查验收三方面着手;第四,通过加大地方志的宣传力度、依法修志、完善激励机制以及抓好开发利用等办法增强修志动力。 The present article draws a comparison between the first-round compilation and the second round compilation of the industrial category of Guangdong Provincial Records. 1. Comparison of general arrangements of table of contents. The first round local records use, for the structure of table of contents, the short style and the second round use the middle style. The first round local records are better than the second round for the quality of materials while the second round local records overmatch the first round by holistic approach. 2. Comparison of main compilers. Administrative departments and industrial enterprises have played a different role in the two round compilations. Professional associations have played a prominent role in the compilation of the industrial category. 3. Comparison of schedule of the compilation. The two round industrial category records have experienced stagnation at the varying degrees and the time consumed in the compilation shows some difference from the time scheduled. There was more time lag for the first round compilation. 4. Comparison of the quality of local records. Due to the different sources of the data of the industrial category, the first round compilation has more obvious traces of sectors records than the second compilation. The comparison will give some revelation for the future compilation work.. Firstly, Middle length structure will facilitate the collection of materials and the compilation. Secondly, administrative departments, professional associations, enterprises, universities and research institutions have formed a diversified participant structure for the compilation. Therefore it’s important to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all participants. Thirdly, effective methods, such as extensive data collection, the training of personnel and strict inspection, should be taken and strengthened in order to improve the quality of local records. Fourthly, Importance should be accorded to such measures as increasing the publicity efforts for local records, carrying out the compilation according to the law, improving the incentive mechanism and handling well development and exploitation so as to enhance the momentum for the compilation.
作者 王涛
机构地区 广东省史志办
出处 《中国地方志》 CSSCI 2010年第5期35-42,共8页 China Local Records
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  • 7广东年鉴社.《广东年鉴·2009》,第232-235页.
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