
无意识工作激励:定义、模型及展望 被引量:7

Subconscious Work Motivation:Concept,Model and Research Directions
摘要 无意识工作激励是指由外部环境自动诱导出个体努力行为的过程,并且这种自动诱导的过程无法被个体所内省。目前已经被发现的无意识工作激励过程包括自动化评价,无意识行为模仿,态度、特质和刻板印象的激活,以及无意识目标激活等。从内在机制来看,镜像神经元理论可解释无意识行为模仿,无意识行为选择模型可用来解释无意识目标激励。未来应侧重研究无意识工作激励与有意识工作激励的关系,发展新的研究方法,并更深入地探索无意识工作激励的内在机制。 Subconscious work motivation is defined as an unaware automatic process,which is activated by external environmental features and in turn leads to efforts.The automatic processes include automatic evaluation,nonconscious behavioral mimicry,attitude activation,automatic trait and stereotype activation,and subconscious goal pursuit.In terms of internal mechanism,mirror neurons theory can explain nonconscious behavioral mimicry,and nonconscious behavioral choice model can explain subconscious goal pursuit.Future studies should distinguish the relationship between subconscious and conscious work motivation,develop new research methods,and explore more deeply the internal mechanisms of subconscious work motivation.
作者 彭贺 徐千里
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期963-970,共8页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(70601005) 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目(07JC630053)
关键词 无意识 工作激励 组织行为 subconscious work motivation organizational behavior
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