目的:探讨双径路鼻内镜手术治疗非侵袭性真菌性上颌窦炎的诊治要点及疗效.方法:回顾性分析48例非侵袭性真菌性上颌窦炎患者,全部施行双径路鼻内镜手术,术后定期随访.结果:术后随访3-24个月(平均12个月),疗效满意,无复发. 结论: ①非侵袭性真菌性上颌窦炎发病、转归与鼻窦口复合体(OMC)解剖结构异常有密切的关系,而充分解除OMC病变,彻底清除窦腔内真菌团块,恢复鼻腔鼻窦通气引流是本病治疗的原则和关键;②双径路鼻内镜手术治疗非侵袭性真菌性上颌窦炎疗效好,复发率低,是首先选术式.
Objective To evaluate the curative effect of using double--way endoscopic sinus surgery in nonJnvasive ftmgal maxillary sinusitis. Method We had retrospectively analyzed 48 cases non--invasive fungal maxillary sinusitis, all had double--wayendoseopic sinus surgery and followed --up regularly after surgery. Results The postoperative follow --up thime ranged from 3 to 24 months (average 12months) ,all bad satisfactory curative effect and no recurrence. Condusion (1)The non- invasive fungal maxillary sinusitis has close relation with the abnormal anatomy of ustionmeatal complex (OMC) ,The principle Key point of treatment is full eliminate the lesion of OMC,take out the fungal ball in sinces completely,recover the ventilation and drainage of nasal early and sinus. (2)Double --way endoscupie sinus surgery has satisfactory curative effect ,low recurrence rate and is the first surgical type in non--invasive fungal maxillary sinusitis.
Non-- invasive fungal maxillay sinusitis
Double-- way
Endoscopic sinus Surgery