Graves眼病(GO)的管理存在一些分歧,主要是循证医学的证据太少.为了规范GO的管理,欧洲GO专家组(EUGOGO)组织了相关多学科的专家讨论.最后形成了 EUGOGO共识.该共识的主要内容包括:(1)强调建立多学科组成的甲状腺眼病专科团队,且不主张非专科医生诊治GO.(2)提出了实用的GO病情评估指标.(3)活动性中、重度GO患者可行甲基强的松龙(甲强龙)冲击治疗,且最好与眼眶放射治疗合用.必要时可行减压手术.(4)康复或矫形手术应在GO稳定6个月以上才能进行.
There are some disagreements in the management of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) , because of few evidences of evidence-based medicine. In order to standardize the management of GO,GO European Group on GO ( EUGOGO) organized a multi-disciplinary consortium of clinicians for the subsequent discussions and finally formed a consensus statement on management of the disease. The main contents of the consensus are; (1) It is significant to emphasize the establishment of the special team consisting of multi-disciplinary consortium of clinicians for management of GO. It is not advocated that the GO patients would be diagnosed and treated by non-specialists. (2) Some practical evaluations of GO have been suggested. (3) Active moderate-severe GO should be treated with methylprednisolone, and it is better to combine with orbital radiotherapy. Sometimes,orbital decompression should be undertaken. (4) Rehabilitative surgery should only be performed in patients who have had inactive GO for at least 6 months.
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism