目的对96例患者初次导尿失败的原因及处理措施进行分析总结,以提高导尿成功率。方法回顾性分析2007年9月—2009年9月我院96例因不同原因需导尿患者首次导尿失败的可能原因,并根据具体情况采取相对处理措施。结果 93例患者经相应处理后再次导尿成功,2例患者再次导尿失败后行耻骨上膀胱穿刺造瘘术,1例骨盆骨折合并尿道断裂行尿道会师术加耻骨上膀胱穿刺造瘘。初次导尿失败的常见原因是前列腺增生、女性尿道外口位置异常、外阴暴露不充分、尿道痉挛等。结论认真分析首次导尿失败原因,采取适当的干预措施有利于提高再次导尿成功率。
Objective To analyze the causes and managing measures for failure in initial urethral catheterization of 96 patients in order to raise the successful rate of urethral catheterization.Methods The possible causes were retrospectively analyzed for 96 patients who underwent failure in initial urethral catheterization in our hospital from September 2007 to September 2009 because of different causes and the corresponding managements were given according to the concrete conditions.Results The second urethral catheterization was successful in 93 patients after the corresponding treatments.For the 2 patients who underwent second failed urethral catheterization suprapubic cystostomy was given,and for one patient with pelvic fracture and urethral trauma reconstruction of urethra and suprapubic cystostomy was carried out.The common causes of the initial urethral catheterization failure were prostate hyperplasia,abnormal location of female urethral meatus,urethral stricture,and urethrospasm.Conclusion It is helpful for improve successful rate of the second urethral cauterization to carefully analyzed the causes of initial urethral catheterization failure and take the corresponding management.
Chinese General Practice