
餐厅服务人员被动吸烟现状及对餐厅禁烟立法态度的调查 被引量:2

Secondhand smoke among restaurant workers and their attitude to restaurant smoking ban legislation
摘要 目的了解上海市餐厅服务人员的被动吸烟现状、对餐厅禁烟立法的态度和对餐厅实施禁烟政策后经营状况的预测,为本市餐厅禁烟立法提供参考依据。方法采用分层随机抽样方法,在上海市黄浦区抽样5类〔大型中餐厅、中小型中餐厅、休闲西餐厅、快餐厅及咖啡厅(酒吧)〕共100家餐厅的981名服务人员进行一对一问卷调查。结果67.1%的餐厅服务人员在工作场所有被动吸烟情况,平均每天被动吸烟时间为3.4±2.6小时,其中酒吧最为严重,普遍实施禁烟规定的快餐厅相对较好,31.7%的人员会在顾客吸烟时主动予以劝阻;74.1%的被调查者支持通过立法在上海所有餐厅完全禁烟;61.6%的被调查者认为餐厅实施禁烟不会对经营情况产生负面影响。结论上海市中餐厅、咖啡厅(酒吧)服务人员的被动吸烟情况比较严重,餐厅禁烟立法普遍获得员工的认同。今后需要对餐饮业员工加强吸烟危害的认知并提高法律意识。 Objective To know about the status of secondhand smoking(SHS) among restaurant workers in Shanghai,the attitude to restaurant smoking banning legislation and to predict the business status if the restaurant execute the smoking banning policy.Methods A random sample of 981workers from 100 restaurants were selected to participate in the face to face interview.Results There were 67.1% restaurant workers suffered SHS during working with mean exposed time of 3.4±2.6 hours per day,in which bar workers suffered most severely,and the smoke-free fast food workers suffered slighter.There were 74.1% interviewees support all the restaurants completely smoke-free in Shanghai by legislation.There were 61.6% interviewees believe that the smoking banning had no negative impact on business.Conclusion The Chinese food restaurant and bar workers in Shanghai suffered from SHS seriously.Most workers were supportive to smoking banning in restaurant.Health education should be strengthened and raise the sense of law abiding.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2010年第6期424-427,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 上海市黄浦区2009年度科技攻关计划项目(2009HGG-28)
关键词 餐厅服务人员 被动吸烟 禁烟立法 Restaurant workers Secondhand smoke Smoking ban legislation
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