
近三十年来挪威萨米人身份地位的变化 被引量:4

The Social Status Change of Norwegian Sami in the Last 30 Years
摘要 近三十年来挪威日常生活中的种种迹象表明,其境内萨米人的身份地位较以往有很大提高,挪威社会对待萨米人的态度已在观念和行动上发生改变。本文通过考察这种转变的缘由来展现挪威政府处理族群关系的政策演变,认为挪威政府努力培育"国家公民意识",对其他存在多元族群的国家处理其内部的族群问题具有启发意义。 In the last 30 years, all signs in Norwegian society indicate that the social status of Sami has been greatly improved. By exploring the reasons behind it, the paper tries to reveal the evolvement of Norwegian national policy, and points out that the building of citizen awareness by the Norwegian government will have an enlightening impact on other multi-national countries to cleal with their own ethnic problems.
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期81-90,共10页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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  • 10Ivar Bjφrklund, Sapmi-becoming a nation, p. 41.










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