
情报类学术论文英文摘要的体裁文析 被引量:2

A Genre Analysis of English Abstracts of Informatics Research Papers
摘要 在国际学术交流中,英文摘要是科研工作者获取科技论文关键信息的重要手段,其质量关系到论文能否被录用和检索。本文以科学的方法在《情报科学》"理论研究"与"业务研究"两个栏目中,随机抽取30篇论文的英文摘要,从交际功能的角度对其进行了语篇结构模式的统计分析。分析结果首先揭示了两个栏目的英文摘要在结构上的共性,经过卡方检验发现在两个栏目之间,语轮出现的频率没有显著差异,但是"研究方法"和"研究结论"两个语轮出现的频率有显著差异。本文丰富了体裁分析的研究,为《情报科学》中"理论研究"与"业务研究"两个栏目的论文研究人员掌握英文摘要的基本模式提供了重要依据。 In the course of international academic exchange,English abstracts are an important means for researchers to gain the critical information of the papers and their quality relates closely to acceptation and retrieval.In this study,30 abstracts from two columns---Theory Research and Profession Research in Information Science---were randomly sampled for an in-depth analysis of the discourse structures from the perspective of communicative function.The results of the analysis reveal the similar structure between the two columns.After Chi-square test,it is found that the two columns has no significant difference on the frequency of occurrence of moves,but there is significant difference on that of the moves of "research methods" and " research conclusion".These findings provide important implications for the genre analysis and the informatics researchers.
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期941-944,共4页 Information Science
关键词 英文摘要 体裁分析 语轮 交际功能 English abstract genre analysis move communicative function
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