
我国课程政策研究之探索:应然关注与可能思路 被引量:4

Exploring the Curriculum Policy Research in China: Necessary Concern and Possible Train of Thought
摘要 我国基础教育课程政策研究亟待关注的几个方面及可能思路表现为:其一,应引入课程政策文本的语境视角(这也是本文的重点),研究可从社会宏观语境、历史语境、国际语境等方面切入;其二,需关注课程政策实施研究的薄弱方面,如以往课程政策实施影响、实施的可持续发展、实施表浅化问题;其三,国别研究中需加强对与我国有着相似教育传统的国家的研究,以及他国课程政策话语在我国的移植或改造。 Urgent aspects deserving concem by the curriculum policy research in the elementary education and the possible developmental direction are as follows. Firstly, policy texts are supposed to be analyzed from the perspective of context (the focus of this paper), including the macro social context, historical and international context and so on. Secondly, the weak parts of policy implementation research need to be strengthened, such as the impact of the implementation of former curriculum policies, the sustainability of implementation and the problem of superficiality. Thirdly, as to the country research, more stress should be laid on countries with similar tradition of education as ours and the issue of transplanting and transforming other countries' curriculum policy discourses.
作者 彭彩霞
出处 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2010年第6期49-52,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 课程政策 应然视角 可能思路 curriculum policy necessary angle possible train of thought
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