
欧盟天然气市场自由化发展及对我国的启示 被引量:6

Good lessons learned from the liberal development of EU gas market
摘要 为了提高欧洲天然气产业在全球的竞争力,欧盟逐步推进天然气市场的自由化。在十多年的自由化进程中,为加快天然气市场的开放,促进单一天然气市场的形成,欧盟颁布了一系列的指令,欧盟成员国的天然气行业因而经历了比较深刻的重组过程。欧盟天然气市场自由化在一定程度上促进了天然气市场的竞争,并逐渐促使一个天然气市场的形成。我国天然气行业将逐步开放,不断引入竞争是必然趋势,若能解决限制竞争的核心问题,突破天然气市场的地域界限,形成一个统一的竞争性的市场,则有利于天然气行业合理配置资源,保持供求平衡,保障供应安全。欧盟天然气市场自由化的进程及其发展趋势在一定程度上对我国天然气行业的发展具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。 In order to improve the competitive power of European natural gas trading,the European Union is promoting the development of gas market liberalization.During the last decade,the EU has tried to help its regulatory regimes move towards convergence by issuing a series of instructions to stimulate the opening of EU gas market,thus,the EU members have experienced profound business process reengineering in natural gas sector.The EU gas market liberalization stimulates the competition to a certain degree resulting in a unified gas market in the European continent.It is inevitable for the marketing competition to be introduced into the natural gas trading in China,which has become more and more open by the time.Learning good lessons from the EU gas market liberalization,we are looking forward to an opening competitive gas market in China through overcoming the bottlenecks of monopoly and regional boundary.Only in this way,natural resources will be reasonably allocated and the balance between supply and demand will be kept and the gas supply will be guaranteed.The progress and developing trend of the EU gas market opening and liberalization are of value in inspiration and reference to some degree for the development of gas industry in China.
作者 杨凤玲
出处 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期116-118,共3页 Natural Gas Industry
关键词 欧盟天然气市场 市场自由化 燃气指令 市场开放 竞争 内部能源市场 中国 European Union (EU) gas market,market liberalization,gas directive,open market,competition,internal energy market,China
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