
文化认同:欧洲一体化的隐性动力 被引量:3

Cultural Identity:Recessive Power of European Integration
摘要 欧洲一体化是一个漫长的历史过程,其中蕴含着复杂的认同因素。除去经济认同和地域认同以外,文化认同是欧洲一体化的隐性动力。在欧洲社会历史的发展过程中业已形成了以西方性为代表的文化认同意识,产生了古典主义、普世主义、个人主义等诸多政治文化类型。当前,欧洲一体化的文化认同超越了地理政治学和政治人类学的隐喻,迈向了制度保证的文化认同构建,成为了一种完整的发展动力。 European integration is a long historical process, in which it had many complex factors of identity. Among these different kinds of factors, cultural identity is always called the recessive factor, but is as important as some other general factors, like economic factors or local identity. Political culture is the valuable container of political life, as well as value content for political life. We believe that the European cultural identity representing western tradition, especially clas- sicism, liberalism and ecumenism, has been constructing among the social history of Europe. Going beyond geopolitics and political anthropology, the cultural identity of European integration is trying to go beyond so eaUed recessive power or negative tradition. And institutional norm is its prior choice.
作者 史晓东
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期54-57,共4页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目"20世纪社会主义与自由主义的争论"[05JZD0009]
关键词 欧洲一体化 文化认同 普世主义 原动力 European integration, cultural identity universalism recessive power
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