
学龄期儿童肥胖与膳食钙关系 被引量:9

Relationship between obesity and dietary calcium in school-age children
摘要 目的了解目前上海市区学龄期儿童超重肥胖发生率和膳食钙摄入情况,分析肥胖与膳食钙关系。方法对上海市杨浦区和宝山区10所小学二、三年级学生进行体检,并对其中6所小学学生进行钙摄入量调查,分析学生超重肥胖流行状况和膳食钙摄入情况及其相互关系。结果上海市部分地区学龄期儿童超重肥胖率高达36.0%;总钙摄入量为647mg/d,达到推荐摄入量(RNI)的仅有26.4%;总钙摄入量与肥胖无关(χ2=0.319,P=0.956);单位体重钙摄入量与肥胖有关,单位体重钙摄入量越高,超重和肥胖的发生率越低(χ2=65.022,P=0.000);肥胖相关指标如体重(χ2=101.660,P=0.000)、体质指数(BMI)(χ2=85.223,P=0.000)、体脂百分比(PBF)(χ2=64.869,P=0.000)、收缩压(SBP)(χ2=35.626,P=0.000)、舒张压(DBP)(χ2=24.779,P=0.000)等随着单位体重钙摄入量的增高而降低。结论单位体重钙摄入量为与肥胖有关,随着单位体重钙摄入量的增高,超重肥胖发生率降低,体重、BMI、PBF、SBP、DBP、腰围和肥胖度也明显降低(P<0.05)。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity,the nutritional status of dietary calcium and the relationship between childhood obesity and calcium intake in school-age children of Shanghai city.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in school-age children of Shanghai city.Medical examination as well as food frequency questionnaire were adopted to collect information on calcium intake and obesity.Results The incidence of childhood obesity was 36.0%.The average calcium intake was 647mg/d and only 26.4% of subjects had calcium intake of reference nutrient intake(RNI).The increase of total calcium intake didn’t significantly reduce the incidence of obesity(χ2=0.319,P=0.956).While the increase of calcium intake per unit weight significantly reduced the incidence of obesity(χ2=65.022,P=0.000).With the increase of calcium intake per unit weight,body weight(χ2=101.660,P=0.000),body mass index(χ2=85.223,P=0.000),percentage of body fat(χ2=64.869,P=0.000),systolic blood pressure(χ2=35.626,P=0.000),diastolic blood pressure(χ2=24.779,P=0.000)and other obesity related indexes decreased.Conclusion The increase of the calcium intake per unit weight reduces the incidence of obesity in school-age children.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期673-675,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 上海市公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划(2007-2009) 上海市儿童发展研究课题(2007SHET07)
关键词 儿童肥胖 膳食钙 食物频率调查 childhood obesity dietary calcium food frequency questionnaire survey(FFQ)
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