
BitTorrent网络主动测量技术与特性分析 被引量:3

Active measurement on BitTorrent network and characteristics analysis
摘要 对BitTorrent进行了系统的研究,详细阐述了一种用于测量BitTorrent网络拓扑的爬虫设计与实现,并通过主动测量所获取的信息分析研究了BitTorrent的网络节点分布情况、在线节点周期特性、扩散跟踪、做种节点变化趋势,研究结果为BitTorrent网络的监管提供了良好的依据。 This paper conducted systematic research to BitTorrent, and made detailed description about the design and implementation of a crawler for BitTorrent network topology. It analysed and researched BitTorrent network peer distribution characteristics, online peer cycle property, diffusion tracking and the trend of seed numbers by the information that collected through active measurement. The result provides a good basis for the supervision of the BitTorrent network.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期2232-2235,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"973"计划资助项目(2007CB311106) 国家信息安全战略研究与标准制定工作专项项目(TC260-JCYJ-WG1-2008042)
关键词 对等网络技术 BITTORRENT 节点 爬虫 peer-to-peer(P2P) technology BitTorrent peer crawler
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