
网络动员中中国非政府组织的作用研究 被引量:9

Research on the Function of NGO during the Internet Mobilization
摘要 随着我国经济领域中的市场化改革以及政府管理体制的变化,国家与社会逐步分离,各种社团组织蓬勃发展,国家权力开始发生了一定转移,这为自下而上的社会动员提供了酝酿的土壤和发生的条件。由于行政控制和法律约束,现实社会动员转向成本低廉、传播迅速、监管较难的互联网动员发展。作为公民社会重要主体的中国非政府组织通过影响政府政策、动员公众及联动其他组织三个渠道,在网络空间中对社会动员的发生和扩散起到了重要的推动作用。同时,由于非政府组织的网络应用能力和自身治理能力的欠缺,其在网络动员中的作用也不应被夸大,中国非政府组织欲在网络空间发挥更大的影响力,应致力于治理能力的提升。面对非政府组织在网络动员中的作用,政府也应转向在"公共治理模式"下探寻应对之策。 With the market-oriented reform in economy and the change of administrative mechanism in politics in China,the seperation between the State and the Sociey comes into being.During the fast development of kinds of NGOs,the state power begins to transfer to other poles,which may promote social mobilization in China.Due to the administrative control and the legal constraint,the actual mobilization action transfers to mobilization on Internet,which may offer less political cost,spread fast and be overseen difficultly.As the important organizations in the civil society,the Chinese NGOs push and promote the social mobilization on Internet through making influence on the government policy,mobiling the public,and allying with other organizations.On the other hand,due to the shortness of the Internet application and self-governance ability,the function of the Chinese NGOs in Internet mobilization should not be exaggerated.The Chinese NGOs should build a more effective self-governance,if they want to make a deeper influence on Internent.Facing to the functions of the Chinese NGOs on Internet,the government should turn into Public Governance Model in order to make a reasonable response.
作者 杨菁 申小蓉
机构地区 电子科技大学
出处 《电子科技大学学报(社科版)》 2010年第2期63-66,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中国非政府组织 网络动员 作用 Chinese NGO Internet mobilization functions
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